Other Arthropods |
Redheaded Pine Sawfly Larvae [Neodiprion lecontei] | |
Leaf-footed Bug [Acanthocephala species] | |
Asian Lady Beetle [Harmonia axyridis] | |
Centipede [Scolopocryptops sexspinosus] Brooding Eggs | |
Centipede [Hemiscolopendra marginata] | |
Praying Mantis [Probably Mantis religiosa - European Mantid] | |
Stink Bug [Family Pentatomidae] | |
Grasshopper [Schistocerca species] | |
Rusty Grasshopper [Schistocerca alutacea] | |
True Katydid [Pterophylla camellifolia] | |
Conehead Katydid [Neoconocephalus species] | |
Unidentified Grasshopper Species Mating | |
Common Green Darner [Anax junius] Mating | |
Halloween Pennant [Celithemis eponina] | |
Golden-winged Skimmer (Libellula auripennis) | |
Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea) | |
Unidentified Dragonfly Devouring Asian Lady Beetle [Harmonia axyridis] | |
Unidentified Dragonflies | |
Eastern Pondhawk [Erythemis simplicicollis] | |
Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heros] | |
Eastern Lubber Grasshopper [Romalea microptera] | |
"Smoky Ghost Millipede" [Narceus gordanus (Chamberlin, 1943)] | |
American Giant Millipede [Narceus americanus] | |
Florida Ivory Millipede [Chicobolus spinigerus] | |
Two-striped Walkingstick [Anisomorpha buprestoides] | |
Metallic Wood Boring Beetle [Family Buprestidae: Chalcophora sp.] | |
Golden Silk Spider [Nephila clavipes] | |
Yellow Garden Spider [Argiope aurantia] Female | |
Redfemured Spotted Orb Weaver [Neoscona domiciliorum] | |
Unidentified Spider | |
Spiny Orb Weaver Spider [Gasteracantha cancriformis] | |
Wolf Spider Probably [Hogna georgicola] | |
Southern Black Widow [Latrodectus mactans] | |
Green Lynx Spider [Peucetia viridans] With Egg Sac | |
Huntsman Spider [Heteropoda venatoria] Female With Egg Sac | |
Regal Jumping Spider [Phidippus regius] Female | |
Antlion [Glenurus gratus] | |
Horned Passalus [Odontotaenius disjunctus] | |
Large Milkweed Bug [Oncopeltus fasciatus] | |
"Soapberry Bug" (Jadera haematoloma) | |
Tawny Mole Cricket [Scapteriscus vicinus] | |
Banded Pennant [Celithemis fasciata] Mating | |
Grizzled Mantid [Gonatista grisea] - Probable | |
Palmetto Conehead [Belocephalus sabalis] | |
Hentz's Striped Scorpion [Centruroides hentzi] | |