Pomacea canaliculata Striped Specimens (continued)

Hatton Chase Subdivision Pomacea canaliculata Striped Specimens    The second and smaller of the females with a striped shell and dark mottled colored animal (pictured left), collected on 8/31/2007, was placed in an aquarium with a similarly sized male with a gold colored colored shell and yellow colored animal. The male had been collected at Hatton Chase a year earlier. The male subsequently repeatedly mated with the striped female and over the next several weeks she deposited a series of small egg clutches in the aquarium. Some of these egg clutches were allowed to hatch and the result is shown below. The largest of the juveniles pictured measures about 5 mm. Like the previous hatching experiment with the larger striped female where the coloration of the father was not known, the hatchlings included both morphs. However, for whatever reason, mortality was extremely high causing the experiment to be terminated. Interestingly, when Hatton Chase was first visited on 1/30/2006 virtually all of the snails present in the lake were typical Pomacea canaliculata as might be found elsewhere within Duval County (uniformly colored shell with yellow colored animal). Only rarely was a specimen found with a striped shell - a morph never seen in the other two Duval County populations. By 11/6/2007 the situation had changed and the morph with the striped shell and dark mottled animal was equally as common. A sample of the striped specimens is shown on the next page.

Pomacea canaliculata hatchlings


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