About The Club - The Jacksonville shell club was formed in 1959 by local shell enthusiasts and incorporated as a non-profit educational organization five years later.
Most of our members live in and around Duval County, but the membership includes those with similar interests throughout Florida and the country. Since its founding, the club has sponsored forty-five shell shows in Jacksonville
and the surrounding area, and in 1992 hosted a national shell collectors convention in Ponte Vedra Beach for the Conchologists of America, Inc.
Publications -
Our bi-monthly newsletter, the "Shell-O-Gram," published continuously since October of 1960, is filled with interesting articles,
news about members and shelling activities in the local area and the state, and items from around the world of interest to shell collecting enthusiasts.
On-Line Shell-O-Gram Archive - Read some selected past Shell-O-Gram articles or view
complete Shell-O-Gram issues from 1993 to present in Portable Document Format (PDF).
(Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Membership Information - The Jacksonville Shell Club offers two categories of membership for those living in the United States and
a single membership for overseas members:
$15.00 per-year (includes six issues of our newsletter)
One voting member. |
$20.00 per-year (includes six issues of our newsletter).
Two family voting members. |
$25.00 per-year (includes six issues of our newsletter via air mail).
Overseas members do not have voting privleges. |
Payments (in U.S. Dollars) should be sent to: |
Jacksonville Shell Club |
c/o Rick Edwards |
572 Boxwood Pl. |
St. Augustine, FL 32086-7295 U.S.A. |
Meeting Location And Time - The
club meets at the Village Inn, 900 N. Ponce de Leon Blvd. (Route 1) St. Augustine
on the fourth Sunday, January through October. In November, meetings are held on the third Sunday, and a Christmas Get-Together in December (date, time and location TBD).
Meetings begin promptly at 5:00 PM and run until about 7:00 PM. Those wishing to have dinner prior to the meeting with club members should arrive by 4 PM to order dinner.
It is always best to confirm meeting dates with the latest issue of the Shell-O-Gram or inquire by email to
club Vice President, Paul Jones.
Additional Club Information - For additional club information, email
Paul Jones, JSC V.P.
The Jacksonville Shell Club featured in a 2012 Florida Times-Union News Report (8:26)
(click on image -- you will be taken to an external YouTube page)