Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940 Dished Threetooth

Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940 Dished Threetooth

Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940 Dished Threetooth

Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940 Dished Threetooth

Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940 Dished Threetooth

Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940 Dished Threetooth

Triodopsis vulgata Pilsbry, 1940 Dished Threetooth

    Nelson Co., Kentucky ~ 8 mi. S. Bardstown, Stauble Property, "Anguispira Rock," leaf litter at bases of three limestone escarpments running NW to SE.  37.44478N - 37.44486N X 085.3124W - 085.3136W. H. Lee, L. Schroeder, R. Smotherman, and E. Cavin! 17 May, 2008 (about 15 mm.)


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