Drainage Ditch On Saints Road In The Sandalwood Area Of  Jacksonville, Duval Co., Florida

    During a molluscan field survey on 8/10/2018, evidence was found to indicate that a Pomacea paludosa (Say, 1829) [Florida Applesnail] population was present in a drainage ditch on Saints Road in the Sandalwood area of Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida. A number of faded Pomacea shells were found on the bank in proximity to the ditch having likely been deposited there during a ditch clearing/flood control project involving the ditch. During a follow-up visit to the area on 8/15/2018 one live Pomacea and one egg clutch were seen thus confirming that a living population is in fact present.

Drainage Ditch On Saints Road In The Sandalwood Area Of  Jacksonville, Duval Co., Florida
