Pyrgophorus coronatus (L. Pfeiffer, 1840)

Pyrgophorus coronatus (L. Pfeiffer, 1840)

Beach drift, Billy's Bay, St. Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica (3.3 mm.). Digital images by David Kirsh.

Original Description

Original Description

Pfeiffer, L., 1840. Uebersicht der im Januar, Februar und März 1839 auf Cuba gesammelten Mollusken. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 6(1): 250-261.

    Below is the original description of a subjective synonym of the Pfeiffer taxon by C.B. Adams (1845: 17) followed by a figure its lectotype.

Original Description

Adams, C.B., 1845. Specierum novarum conchyliorum, in Jamaica repertorum, synopsis. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 2: 1-17.

Lectotype, MCZ 278118 selected by R.I. Johnson and Boss (1972: 215; pl. 42, fig. 5)

Lectotype, MCZ 278118 selected by R.I. Johnson and Boss (1972: 215; pl. 42, fig. 5)

Johnson, R.I. and K.J. Boss, 1972 The fresh-water, brackish, and non-Jamaican land mollusks described by C.B. Adams. Occasional Papers on Mollusks 3(43): 193-233 (incl. pls. 36-42, facing plate explanations). <> 2 June.