Pomacea maculata Perry, 1810 At Windsor Parke Golf Club |
Click on the lettered red insets on the map below to view information on those localities. |
As a follow-up to the discovery of Pomacea
maculata in two lakes in the Johns Creek Community west of Hodges
Boulevard on May 9th (A on the map above)
and May 12th (B on the map), this reporter
visited the water hazards on the Windsor Parke Golf Club course
on May 17-18, 2012 to ascertain whether the species might also be present
there as well. At the first location (number 1 on the
map) a large number
of Pomacea maculata egg clutches, many empty shells
and a couple of live specimens were found. At the second location (2
on the map) an even
larger number of egg clutches
were found as well as many more live specimens and empty shells.
At the third location (3 on the map) no
Pomacea were found on May 17. However, a more thorough survey the
next day yielded three empty shells and one old egg clutch. At the two
remaining locations checked on the course's water
hazard system (4 and 5 on the map) no
snails were seen. During the May 18th visit the remaining
southern portion of the golf course's water hazard system (not
shown on the above map) was surveyed and no evidence of
Pomacea was seen. However, a follow-up survey of these locations
some five years later on April 13, 2017 revealed the presence of a
large number of egg clutches
and living Pomacea maculata demonstrating that the snails had now
colonized the entire interconnected golf course water hazard system. It should be noted that on May 24th, subsequent to the Windsor Parke visits, that Pomacea maculata were also discovered in an additional smaller lake in the Johns Creek Community (C on the map). |