Recently the author received two anomalous
specimens of a common and widespread member of the Sundial Shell
family (aptly dubbed Solariidae, now Architectonicidae) from two
adroit dealers, Phillip Clover and Guido Poppe. Each specimen was
said to be "sinistral," yet there were a few unusual features that
came to light after closer examination.
Figure 1 shows each anomalous specimen of Heliacus
variegatus (Gmelin, 1791) on either side of a single normal
specimen. The two shells on the left were taken off the island of
Negros; the one on the right, Siasi Sulu, all from the Philippines.
From left to right they measure 13, 15, and 14 mm. The apical
whorls of the left and right shells are missing, and their growth is
in a disjunct conical pattern in contrast to the normal low
turbinate form of the normal shell in the center. Certainly, the
conical specimens appear to coil in a direction opposite to the
normal one.
Now, Heliacus, like all
architectonicids begins life with a left-coiling larval shell, which
is an unusual condition among gastropods. We know that the
architectonicid animal has a right-handed, or dextral, organization,
and, once the larval shell has settled and the animal begins its the
benthic lifestyle, the shell reverses coil and remains dextral for
the remainder of the snail's life (and beyond). To help visualize
this topology, when one observes the apex of a well-preserved of a
larger architectonicid like a Sundial Shell, a large
Architectonica species for example, it appears that the apex is
turned inward. When the shell is inverted, the larval shell (protoconch)
can actually be seen through the open umbilicus with its apex
pointing toward the observer (see image). We may think of this left-coiling protoconch as having grown "up-side down" as contrasted the
conventional growth of its surrounding adult shell and the majority
of more familiar gastropod shells, like the middle specimen. We'll
return to this notion a bit later.
Are these two oddities in figure 1, like most anomalous left-coiled
snail shells, mirror images (albeit somewhat contorted) of the
normal one, or could they be the result of "upside-down" shell
growth of the snail much like the relationship between animal and
the larval architectonicid shell? The shell on the right is posed
to demonstrate the "upside-down" orientation; note that, thus
displayed, the aperture is on the same side of the axis of growth as
is the normal shell in the center.
Are either or both of these anomalous shells the result of true
reversal of coiling (a true mirror-image sinistral, growing in a
normal or orthostrophic manner) or did they grow "upside-down" ("hyperstrophic
pseudosinistral")? How does one determine the difference?
Lets take a closer look at the shells' structure and sculpture using
the left and middle specimens: |
In the images of paired shells (figures 2-6), the normal specimen is
on the left.
Figure 2. Adapical (umbilical) aspect of the body whorl is juxtaposed
with that of the abnormal shell from Negros.
Figure 3. Same aspect of the normal shell next to the apical aspect
of the abnormal.
Figure 4. Apical aspect of both shells.
Figure 5. Apical aspect of the normal with adapical of the abnormal.
Accounting for some aberration of the contour of the abnormal shell,
it is apparent that the sculpture of the adapical (basal) aspect of
the normal shell, with more, smaller, and more finely-beaded cords,
is far more similar to that of the apical aspect of the abnormal one
(figure 2,3). Likewise, the less numerous, larger, more
coarsely-beaded sculpture basal (adapical) cords of the apical half
of the normal shell's body whorl more closely resemble that of the
basal aspect of the abnormal (figure 4,5).
Now let's look more closely at the aperture (figure 6), which in
this species has two distinct grooves on the columellar aspect as
visible on the normal specimen. Note one groove (as well as the
ornate cord runs back from it around the umbilical rim) is at the
anterior (adapical) aspect of the columella. In the abnormal shell
that groove is at the apical ("opposite") aspect of the columella,
where the aperture joins the body whorl (and the ornate cord is
hidden beneath the latter).
It may help to think of this anomalous shell by an imaginary process
of transformation. Think of inserting the finger of a tiny rubber
glove through the umbilicus at the aperture and pushing it all the
way to the other end along this central axis. Now imagine the shell
becoming the same consistency as, and attached to, the glove finger.
Now slowly pull the fingertip through the finger so as to turn it
inside out. The spire will gradually shorten and then emerge through
the umbilicus. After a little more eversion, the transmuted shell
becomes apparently right-coiling and, furthermore, the apertural
grooves and outer shell sculpture are just (well almost) like that
of the normal shell. The latter features would not be in normal
position if the anomalous shell were a truly (orthostrophic)
sinistral specimen and put through this same contortion; they'd be
opposite. Ergo: the anomalous shell in figures 2 through 6 is "hyperstrophic
pseudosinistral" - also dubbed "ultradextral," very much like the
larval shell discussed above. Without doing the rubber glove trick,
we can correct the anomalous position of the apertural groove by
turning the aberrant shell "upside down" (as the shell on the right
of figure 1); figure 7 shows the "upside down" aperture of the anomalous
shell (bottom image) to have the groove on the same (lower; in the
photo) end of the columella as the normal specimen. Corollary to
this analysis: Hyperstrophic and orthostrophic shells of a single
species are not mirror images of one another - even if they exhibit
the same dimensions whereas true (orthostrophic) sinistral and
dextral forms of a single species will match up in a mirror; on them
the rubber glove technique fails.
In case you're wondering, all the shell features discussed were
also exhibited by the other anomalous specimen (on the right of figure
1), making it also hyperstrophic pseudosinistral rather than truly (orthostrophic)
sinistral. Furthermore, three congeners, Heliacus implexus
(Michel, 1845) [Ekawa, 1991 as H. dorsuosus (Hinds, 1844, a
nude name teste Bieler, 1993], H. bicanaliculatus (Valenciennes,
1832) [Lagoda, 1868 as H. variegatus, a misidentification
which was perpetuated for over a century teste Robertson and
Merrill, 1963], and H. cylindricus (Gmelin, 1791) [Robertson
and Merrill, 1963] have been reported to exhibit the same
pseudosinistral condition. Like our shells, each of these is
unnaturally elongate. Robertson and Merrill (1963) demonstrated
compelling evidence for hyperstrophy including the operculum
morphology with that of the shell. Robertson (1974) went on record
stating that "(true) sinistrality (is) unknown in the
Architectonicidae," confirming this later (Robertson, 1993).
So it appears that, throughout life, thus far
all Sundials, like the dials on the
non-digital chronometer descendants of their namesake, turn
clockwise. This condition is has come to be the equivalent of
right-handedness, which various cultures have deemed more virtuous
and functional (linguistics reminds us: "dexterous" and "adroit"
like Clover and Poppe above) than left-handedness ("sinister").
Perhaps aptly, the dextral condition also predominates in the
gastropod world, and, at present, Sundials cannot claim exemption
from majority rule.
A shell of the South African Turbo sarmaticus Linnaeus, 1758
with a the same kind of anomaly is featured at
Bieler, R., 1993. Architectonicidae of the Indo-Pacific (Mollusca:
Gastropoda). G. Fisher, Stuttgart, pp. 1-377 incl. 286 figs., 3
Ekawa, K., 1991. A "sinistral" abnormality of Heliacus dorsuosus
(Hinds). The Chiribotan 21(4): 87-88 April 3.
Lagoda, A. de, 1868 Note sur une variété abnormale de Torinia
variegata, Lamarck. Journal de Conchyliologie 16:
264-265; pl. 9, fig. 7.
Robertson, R., 1974. Sinistrality unknown in the Architectonicidae.
La Conchiglia 6(60): 14 Feb.
Robertson, R., 1993. Snail handedness. The coiling direction of
gastropods. National Geographic Research and Exploration 9(1):
Robertson, R. and A. S. Merrill, 1963. Abnormal dextral hyperstrophy
in post-larval Heliacus (Gastropoda: Architectonicidae).
The Veliger 6: 76-79 Oct. 1. |