Selected Western Atlantic Caecum |
Caecum imbricatum
Carpenter, 1858
Imbricate Caecum |
In shell grit taken by SCUBA from a depth of 69 feet off Boynton
Beach, FL (2.8 mm.). Digital image by David Kirsh. |
Caecum infimum de Folin,
1867 |
From grit collected at a depth of 69 feet off Boynton Beach,
Florida (about 1.3-1.5 mm.). Digital images by David Kirsh. |
Caecum multicostatum
de Folin, 1867 Fine-line Caecum |
tidepool, Kiawah Island, Charleston County, South Carolina
(2 mm.). Digital images by David Kirsh. |
Caecum plicatum
Carpenter, 1858 Plicate Caecum |
Beach drift, "Xeno Beach," Eleuthera, Bahamas
(all three specimens are about 3 mm.).| Digital images by David Kirsh. |
Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) Of
Fossil Specimen |
Lower Pinecrest beds, Upper Tamiami Formation, Sarasota County,
produced in collaboration with Dr. Ann Heatherington, Dept.
Geological Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. |
Caecum pulchellum
Stimpson, 1851 Beautiful Caecum |
In shell grit taken by SCUBA from a depth of 69 feet
off Boynton Beach, FL. Digital
image by David Kirsh |
Shell grit, Bear Island (Hammocks Beach State
Park) near Swansboro, North Carolina. Digital
image by David Kirsh |