J., M. G. Harasewych, and R. T. Dillon, Jr., 2004. Population divergence
in the sinistral whelks of North America, with special reference to the
east Florida ecotone. Marine Biology 145(6): 1176-1179. Nov. |
This study evaluated
models of species relationships among sinistral
whelks in the genus
in the Atlantic and Gulf
of Mexico. Gene frequencies at eight polymorphic
allozyme loci, shell morphology, anatomy, and
partial DNA sequences for the cytochrome
oxidase I (COI)
mitochondrial gene were examined in eight
populations, ranging from New Jersey to the
Yucatan peninsula, and from the dextrally coiled
sister taxon
Busycon carica
(Gmelin, 1791). Whelks were collected in 1997
and 1998. The maximum COI sequence divergence
recorded among 32 sinistral individuals was
1.96%, which together with the absence of any
gross or qualitative morphological differences,
suggested all eight populations should be
considered conspecific. High levels of
divergence between the allopatric western
Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations, as
revealed by fixed or nearly fixed differences at
several allozymeencoding loci were interpreted
as evidence that the east Florida ecotone
constitutes a significant barrier to gene flow.
Size trimming also revealed several significant
quantitative differences in shell and radular
morphology between the three pooled Atlantic
populations and five pooled Gulf populations.
The Yucatan sample was the most distinctive
conchologically, with heavy spines and tumid
ridges, possibly related to stone crab
predation. Based on the evidence all left-handed
whelks of North America should be referred to
the oldest available nomen,
Busycon perversum
1758), with three subspecies,
perversum along
the Yucatan peninsula,
(Hollister, 1958) in the northern and eastern
Gulf of Mexico, and B.
perversum laeostomum
(Kent, 1982) in the Atlantic. |