Brickell Hammock (C)

    Form Liguus fasciatus testudineus also intergrades into form marmoratus. Once again, there is room for debate on the delineation between the two forms. Generally, I feel marmoratus is the appropriate name when melanism obscures most of the tessellated coggings, which is the case with these specimens here. (MWJ)

Liguus fasciatus marmoratus

Liguus fasciatus moiseri

    Like Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus, Liguus fasciatus ornatus is highly variable. Some ornatus will exhibit light axial streaking, supposedly from testudineus influences. Form ornatus from Brickell can have either a pink apex, a pink apex with a jewel-tip, or a white apex with a jewel-tip. Some Brickel ornatus can be very similiar to ornatus from Mahogany Hammock; others resemble ornatus from either Long Pine Key, Pinecrest Hammock 88, or other areas. Shells with the liver or liver-orange colored base and a jewel-tip, such as most of the shells on the first two rows, have been dubbed "pseudo-ornatus". The name "pseudo-ornatus" has never been officially described, it is only used by some collectors to modify an ornatus variant. Therefore, without a written description, it becomes unclear exactly where to make a delineation. (MWJ)

Liguus fasciatus ornatus

    Some Liguus fasciatus roseatus in the Brickell population are scarcely distinguishable from specimens in Key Largo and other hammocks. (MWJ)

Liguus fasciatus roseatus

Classic Brickell Liguus fasciatus roseatus with the liver-colored banding (MWJ)

Liguus fasciatus roseatus
