Pupal Stage Of Braconiid Wasp On Southern Pine Sphinx Moth Caterpillar [Lapara coniferarum]

    This Pine Sphinx Moth caterpillar, hosting the pupa of a braconiid wasp, was found in a roadside swale in far western St. Johns County, Florida on 6/26/2008. The adult female wasps have a long ovipositor which they use to inject their eggs inside a host. The eggs hatch larvae which feed on the caterpillar's innards until they are ready to pupate - in this case on the outside of the host. Baby wasps hatch, fly off, mate, and the females then look for more hosts thus continuing the cycle.

Pupal Stage Of Braconiid Wasp On Southern Pine Sphinx Moth Caterpillar [Lapara coniferarum]
