One of the more unusual marine mollusk records for
northeast Florida waters is the occurrence of the Atlantic Partridge Tun. It is
one of a very few locally-collected species on which I personally have never
laid a hand, but documentation was secured by Charlotte Lloyd, who came across a
living specimen at a depth of 128 feet 45 miles east of Mayport on August 6,
1991. Being conservation-minded, yet wanting to placate skeptics of "(shell)fish stories," she chronicled the encounter on videotape just before releasing the
Aside from Charlotte's unusual coup, there is a bit
more to say about this critter - partly its natural history, but more so the
history of its naming. The unraveling of this paper trail took me through
two and a half centuries of literature and provided a few general lessons in the
sometimes complex process of taxonomic
The Atlantic Partridge Tun
figure 1., a 40 mm. juvenile from Eleuthera, Bahamas
in the Lee Collection), is widely known as Tonna maculosa (Dillwyn,
1817), a name proposed as "Buccinum perdix .... Variety ... Buccinum
maculosum." on page 583 of volume 2 of this work (see bibliography for this
and other citations). Lewis Weston Dillwyn recorded two references. The first
was "Solander [actually Lightfoot, 1786 ] lot 3050 p. 136" [sic; error
for 137]. In Lightfoot (1786) this entry reads "A very fine variety of Buccinum
maculosum, S. or spotted Tun, undescribed from New Holland -
very rare" [Lightfoot's italics]. The "S." connotes a name in a
Daniel Solander manuscript - possibly only on the label appended to the specimen
in question. Unfortunately the passage I quoted was all Lightfoot wrote; there
is no cited illustration and insufficient text for this to stand as a
validly-proposed taxon; ergo Buccinum maculosum Solander [Lightfoot,
1786] is a nomen nudum and unavailable for taxonomic nomenclature
(International Code for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) Article 12; Criteria of
Availability; see ref. below). How Dillwyn knew what Lightfoot had before him
is uncertain, but he may have seen the actual shell, which was to have been sold
at auction on Thursday May 25, 1786 according to the "Portland Catalog" (when
Dillwyn was in his ninth year of life) at some point. Needless to say, the
species is more than "very rare" in New Holland (Australia) as it does
not live there.
Dillwyn's other (second) citation was Seba vol. 3, pl. 68,
fig. 16 (see figure 2, taken from Müsch, I., R.
Willman, and J. Rust [eds]). Although the text of the non-binominal Seba work
is not available for taxonomic nomenclature, this illustration almost certainly
depicts the western Atlantic taxon in question - the editors' misidentification
of it as Tonna perdix (Linnaeus, 1758) notwithstanding. Dillwyn was
correct in recognizing his Buccinum maculosum as a new taxon!
Unfortunately, however, a quarter century earlier Gmelin (1791, p. 3476, no. 22)
applied that same binomen to a different shell, which we now know as the west
African Cassis tessellata (Gmelin, 1791) [Buccinum tessellatum
op. cit. p. 3476, no. 20]; see Abbott (1968; p. 54). The Dillwyn name is a
primary junior homonym of Buccinum maculosum Gmelin, 1791 and therefore,
until recently (see last paragraph),
unavailable for taxonomic nomenclature according to the ICZN Article 52;
Principle of Homonymy (ICZN, 1985).
Wait.... it gets more complicated! In looking further
into the synonymy in Tucker's Cassis monograph (Abbott, 1968; p. 54), I
saw that the binomen Buccinum maculosum was validly proposed by an even
earlier authority, Thomas Martyn (1784)! Because Martyn's Universal
Conchologist was not a consistently binominal work (like Seba), the
International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature exercised its plenary
powers (Anon., 1957) to declare most of Martyn's names invalid, while conserving
the names applied therein to nine well-known New Zealand marine gastropod species. View The Nine Species Among these
is Buccinum maculosum Martyn; now Cominella maculosa (Martyn,
1784). The consequence of this discovery is that B. maculosum Gmelin,
like B. maculosum Dillwyn, would not be not available (primary junior homonymy,
again; using ICZN, 1985). Since authors hadn't used B. maculosum Gmelin, quite possibly
because it was reported as a junior synonym of B. tessellatum Gmelin by
Dillwyn (1817; p. 596, no. 20), who appears to be the First Reviser (ICZN
Article 24). It is possible that Dillwyn chose B. t. over B. m.
because it appeared earlier in the Gmelin work (on the same page, two species
above it, a convention referred to as "position priority," employed by some
taxonomists in the past but never codified by ICZN) or perhaps because he
thought the earlier Solander [Lightfoot] (nude) name rendered Gmelin's
Buccinum maculosum unavailable. Whatever the machination, the outcome is
that the cassid (helmet shell), unlike our tonnid (tun shell), nomenclature
avoided being threatened with mass confusion by the loss of a such well-travelled binomen
as Tonna maculosa (Dillwyn), the topic of this discussion.
Wait; there's still more. Helix sulphurea C. B. Adams, 1849 (p. 33) was
first reported from Jamaica, and the author gave a short description, noted the
size (0.175 inch across by 0.16 inch high), and stated; "Perhaps this is a young
shell, but probably not of any described species." The next year he returned to
this taxon and wrote (C. B. Adams, 1850; page 98): "On page 33 we described
Helix sulphurea as 'perhaps a young shell.' This opinion was founded on its
papyraceous appearance. Mr. Chitty, from whom the original specimens were
received, has recently furnished a series, which shows that this shell, with all
the generic characters of Helix, is the last embryonic stage of the West
Indian variety of Dolium perdix!" [his exclamation point]. I believe
figure 3. is very much like what C. B. Adams had
before him in 1849 (and Chitty somewhat later). This is a photomicrograph of
the apex of the same shell as in figure 1. It shows an intact
ultraplanktotrophic protoconch reflecting a very long swimming veliger stage, an
attribute which no doubt accounts for the wide dispersal of this species and
many of its confamilial relatives. According to Clench and Turner (1950), the
type specimen is lost, but, given the quotes above, I don't think anyone would
dispute the diagnosis of Helix sulphurea C. B. Adams, 1849! As far as I
can tell, the first reference to the synonymy of H. s. and Tonna
maculosa Dillwyn, 1817 [sic; no parens] is Turner (1948; p. 169).
But , once again, the bugaboo of junior homonymy creeps back into the picture;
apparently unknown to Dr. Turner, the C.B. Adams name is preoccupied by Helix
sulfurea Hombron and Jacquinot 1841 (p. 63:
from "Les Îles Arrow" [Aru Islands in easternmost Indonesia near New Guinea],
the subtle difference in spelling of the species epithet notwithstanding.
It appears the next available name for the Atlantic
Partridge Tun is Dolium pennatum coined by the Danish conchologist Otto
Andreas Lowson Mørch (he actually signed this work "Mörch;" see below) from the
"Antill." It was published in another public auction catalog - that of the
Alphonso .... de Yoldi collection (its 4,012 lots rivaling the 4,156 of the
Dutchess of Portland). Mørch's indication (lot 2058; p. 110) was an
illustration in Martini - vol. 3, fig. 1078 (see figure 4).
This is interesting because Martini himself called it a juvenile of Buccinum
[now Tonna] perdix Linnaeus, 1758 and showed it alongside two
adult T. perdix! Nonetheless this juvenile shell shows the color pattern
of the W. Atlantic species (look at the smudgy pattern on the penultimate whorl
in figure 1) - not the Indo-Pacific T. perdix, with which it seems to
have been confused/associated by many authors. Ergo Tonna pennata (Mørch,
1852) refers to the Atlantic Partridge Tun, and the Partridge
Tun, T. perdix (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Indo-Pacific is closely related
- and not just biologically and by its vernacular name: Pennata probably
means "feathered" in reference to its color pattern, which a century before
likely inspired Linnaeus' perdix, Latin for "partridge."
Armed with all this
information about synonyms, homonyms, availability of nomina, etc., I was
getting ready to dismantle the underpinnings of the Atlantic Partridge Tun
nomenclature until a very perceptive correspondent of mine, Marien Faber
tactfully pointed out the value of "reading the directions" before launching
such an ambitious campaign. Marien indicated that the ICZN (1999;
fourth edition) contained an important policy change versus between the
third (1985) edition. Until 2000 a primary junior homonym (e.g., Buccinum
maculosum Gmelin, 1791; B. maculosum Dillwyn, 1817) was deemed
unavailable for taxonomic nomenclature (see end of
paragraph four) by the ICZN, and could only be conserved by petition to the
Commission to exercise its "plenary powers." The current (fourth; 1999) edition
states (Article 23.9.5): "When an author discovers that a species-group name in
use is a primary junior homonym of another species-group name also in use, but
the names apply to taxa not considered congeneric after 1899, the author must
not [our emphasis] automatically replace the junior homonym; the
case should be referred to the Commission for a ruling under the plenary power
and meanwhile prevailing usage of both names is to be maintained." Short
version: the burden of petition is shifted from authors who wish to conserve (a
majority of) primary junior homonyms to those authors who wish to suppress such
names. Ergo, until told otherwise, we are legit in using Tonna maculosa
(Dillwyn, 1817) as did the overwhelming majority of the authors who taught us
much of what we know of the Atlantic Partridge Tun.

Somewhat amazingly, along with another 40 marine mollusks we've collected
in northeast Florida including the Lions-paw, this Tun is found in the eastern
Atlantic as well. See Vermeij and Rosenberg (1993) and Talavera (1982).
Lady Margaret Cavendish Bentinck, Duchess of Portland, died in 1785 leaving
extensive and valuable collections, not the least of which was of shells. The
Rev. John Lightfoot (1735-1788), her librarian and chaplain, compiled and
annotated a list of her curios. This 194 page, 4,156 lot inventory was printed
early the next year and served as the catalogue at the auction of her
collections conducted from late that May to June 18 (Lightfoot, 1786; Dance,
1966; Kay, 1965; Rehder, 1967). Allison Kay (1965; p. 10) gave convincing
evidence that Daniel Solander, a pupil of Carl Linnaeus (in 1761 ennobled as
Carl von Linné), a naturalist who curated material in the collection of the
Duchess, first penned many of the names employed by Lightfoot, but only in
form. Until 1965 most attributions for the "Portland Catalogue" nomina
were to Solander, but, after Kay's report, the consensus among malacologists is
is the
proper authority.
Although a substantial number of zoological names were validly proposed by
Lightfoot in this "Portland Catalogue," only a handful of workers in the 18th
and 19th centuries put them to use, often without proper
acknowledgment. Even the work of Sherborn (1902; later corrected), which purported to list all
the zoological names introduced from 1758 to 1800, listed none of these names.
Tom Iredale (1912)
was the first to specifically wrest the names from near oblivion. William
Healy Dall (1921) investigated the "Portland Catalogue" mollusks and presented
selections of the Lightfoot text, which was always brief, but often cited an
illustration in an earlier work or two. A more exhaustive and definitive
treatment was provided by Rehder (1967), who edited out 15 species names as
nomina nuda (nude names) due to lack of rigorous descriptions or cited
illustration(s). The author added five molluscan species names overlooked by
Dall and proceeded to pare the total (111) as follows: 39 junior synonyms
(species validly named prior to the "Catalogue"); three junior homonyms (names
selected by Lightfoot but used by prior authors); nine nomina dubia
(descriptions and illustrations insufficient to diagnose the species) and three
nomina oblita (forgotten names not employed in the literature between
1917 and 1967): Voluta incompta, Mytilus castaneus, and Helix
This action was not consistent with the provisions of the second edition of the
Code (ICZN, 1964: 24, Article 23b), which required a petition to the Commission
for such suppression. Inasmuch as none of these three taxa had been placed on
the Official Lists two decades after Rehder's work (Melville and Smith,
1987), the names are very likely still available. Only the first, now placed in
Mitra, is recognizable and valid; the other two are considered available
but nomina dubia.
These machinations produce 56
available valid species-level
and two generic names for Recent mollusks attributable to The Rev. John
Lightfoot. Rehder's systematic list at the end of his paper omitted the valid
Subninella undulata and Strombus sinuatus, which were given proper
(and favorable) treatment in the text,
and the
Voluta incompta discussed above.
An Emended List
Just to complicate matters a little more, Higo, Callomon, and Goto (1999;
G2833, p. 246) listed Buccinum
maculosum Gmelin, 1791 as a synonym of Colubraria muricata
(Lightfoot, 1786) [lot 2296, p. 104 of our now familiar "Portland Catalog"].
This is a lapsus calami for
maculosus Gmelin, 1791 (p. 3548, no. 79).
Lately revisionists (including Turgeon, Quinn, et al., 1998, who
also exalted Tonna pennata over T. maculosa) have worked hard to
render vernacular names in lower case. For a rebuttal see
Freaky Flatcoils.
Also see: Tonna pennata Atlantic
Partridge Tun
Abbott, R. T. The helmet shells of the world (Cassidae). Part one.
Indo-Pacific Mollusca 2(9): 7-201. August 30.
Anon., 1957. Opinion 479. Opin. Int. Comm. Zool. Nomencl. 16: 365-456.
September 3.
Adams, C. B., 1849. Descriptions of supposed new Helicidae from Jamaica.
Contributions to Conchology 3: 33-38. October.
Adams, C. B., 1850. Descriptions of supposed new Helicidae from Jamaica.
Contributions to Conchology 6: 90-98. March.
Clench, W. J. and R. D. Turner, 1950. The western Atlantic marine mollusks
described by C. B. Adams. Occ. Pap. Moll. 1(15): 233-403 incl. pls.
29-49. June 26.
Dall, W.H. 1921. Species named in the Portland Catalogue. The Nautilus
34: 97-100; 123-132 (January; April).
Dance, S.P. 1966. Shell collecting, an illustrated history. Univ. of
California, Berkeley, pp. 1-34, 35pls.
Dillwyn, L. W., 1817. A descriptive catalogue of Recent shells. 2 vols.
J. and A. Arch, London. pp. 1-1092 plus index.
Gmelin, J.F. 1791. Systema naturae, ed.13, vol.1, part 6, pp. 3021-3909.
Higo, Callomon, and Goto, 1999. Catalogue and bibliography of the marine
shell-bearing mollusca of Japan Gastropoda - Bivalvia - Polyplacophora -
Scaphopoda. Elle Publications, Osaka. pp. 1-749.
Hombron, J.B. and C.H. Jacquinot, 1841. Suite de la description de quelques
Mollusques, provenant de la campagne de l'Astrolabe et de la Zélée.
Annales de Sciences Naturelles Paris (Zoologie Ser. 2)16: 62-64.
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Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London. i-[xx] + [1]-175.
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International code of zoological nomenclature. Fourth edition. I.C.Z.N.,
London. xxix +
pp. 1-306.
Iredale, T. 1916. Solander as a conchologist. Proc. Mal. Soc. London 12(2,3):
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property of the Dutchess Dowager of Portland, deceased, which will be sold at
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Linnaeus, C., 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae... editio decima,
reformata. Vol 1. Regnum animale tenth edition. Stockholm. i+ pp. 1-823.
Martini, F.W., 1777. Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet... vol. 3
pls. 66-121.
[All plates with annotations reprinted in Richardson, L., R. T. Abbott, G. M.
Davis [eds.], Early references to the figures in the Conchylien Cabinet
of Martini and Chemnitz: volumes I - XII. Tryonia 2, parts 1, 2:
pp. 1-427, 432 pls., 70 vigns., August 1, 1979.].
Martyn, T., 1784-87. The universal conchologist....2 (some 4) vols.
London, 27pp., 80pls.
French-English edition with all 80 plates of the original volumes 1 and 2 (1784)
is posted on-line at:
Melville, R.V. and J.D.D. Smith [eds.], 1987. Official Lists and Indexes of
names and works in zoology. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature,
London.[i]-[iv] + 1-366.
Mörch, O. A. L. M., 1852. Catalogus conchyliorum quae reliquit D.
Alphonso D'Aguirra & Gadea Comes de Yoldi, regis Daniae cubiculorum princeps,
ordinis Dannebrogici in prima classe & ordinis Caroli Tertii Eques vol. 1
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of Natural Curiosities Locupletissi rerum naturalium thesauri. Taschen,
Köln. pp. 1-588 incl. numerous plates.
Rehder, H.A. 1967. Valid zoological names of the Portland Catalogue. Proc.
U.S.N.M. 121(3579): 1-51.
Sherborn, C.D. 1902. Index animalium sive index nominum quae ab AD MDCCLVIII
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Talavera, F. G., 1982. Los moluscos gasteròpodos amfiatlànticos (estùdio
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Turner, R. D., 1948. The genus Tonna in the
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Turgeon, D. D., J. F. Quinn, Jr., A. E. Bogan, E. V. Coan, F. G. Hochberg, W. G.
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Vermeij, G. J. and G. Rosenberg, 1993. Giving and receiving: the tropical
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Bull. 10(2): 181-194. Dec. |