Millerelix plicata (Say, 1821) Cumberland Liptooth

Millerelix plicata (Say, 1821) Cumberland Liptooth

Millerelix plicata (Say, 1821) Cumberland Liptooth

Millerelix plicata (Say, 1821) Cumberland Liptooth

    From base of Chilhowee Mountain in deep leaf litter over a sandstone/quartz pebble, cemented conglomerate or a solid arkose sandstone with sparse deciduous tree cover, Polk County, Tennessee. Bob Winters! January-February, 2022 (4.5-5 mm.) (UF IZ 572442 - bottom specimen). Digital image of the bottom specimen courtesy of Sean Roberts (Florida Museum of Natural History). Also see: Millerelix plicata (Say, 1821) Cumberland Liptooth.
    Dourson ([2011]: 180) noted the species is "without hairs on shell surface" while Pilsbry (1940: 626) wrote "last whorl has ... a few short hairs,usually preserved only in the umbilicus and behind the lip."
Dourson, D.C., [2011]. Kentucky's Land Snails and their Ecological Communities. Goatslug Publications, Bakersville, NC. Frontispiece + title + [i]-[vi] + 1-298. October. [brackets indicate that the date of publication was not printed in this book; the author provided it to Dr. Lee.]

Pilsbry, H.A., 1940. Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico) vol. 1 part 2. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. vi + 575-994 + ix. 1 Aug. <;view=1up;seq=7>
